What were the major civilizations that existed in pre-Columbian America?

The remarkable civilizations that thrived in pre-Columbian America, including the Maya, Aztec, Inca, and more. Uncover their achievements, legacies,

Exploring Pre-Columbian America: Major Civilizations and Cultures

 1. The Maya Civilization: 

The Maya civilization, known for its advanced mathematics, astronomy, and intricate architectural structures, flourished in Mesoamerica (present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador) from around 2000 BCE to 1500 CE.

2. The Aztec Empire: 

The Aztecs, or Mexica, established a vast empire in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. They built the grand city of Tenochtitlan (present-day Mexico City) and developed a complex social and political system, as well as a rich mythology and religious practices.

3. The Inca Empire: 

The Inca Empire, also known as Tawantinsuyu, was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, stretching along the Andes Mountains from present-day Colombia to Chile. The Incas developed impressive agricultural terraces, road networks, and an efficient administrative system.

4. The Mississippian Culture: 

The Mississippian culture emerged in the southeastern and midwestern regions of the United States from approximately the 9th to the 16th century. Known for their large earthen mounds and agricultural practices, they had complex political and social structures.

5. The Ancestral Puebloans: 

The Ancestral Puebloans, also known as Anasazi, inhabited the southwestern United States, particularly the Four Corners region, from around 200 CE to 1300 CE. They built intricate cliff dwellings and were skilled in pottery-making and agriculture.

6. The Hohokam Culture: 

The Hohokam people lived in present-day Arizona from approximately 1 CE to 1450 CE. They constructed vast irrigation canals to support their agricultural practices and created impressive pottery and jewelry.

7. The Cahokia Civilization: 

The Cahokia civilization was centered around the Mississippi River near present-day St. Louis, Missouri. It reached its peak between the 9th and 12th centuries and was home to the largest pre-Columbian city in North America, with monumental earthen mounds.

8. The Chimu Empire: 

The Chimu Empire thrived along the northern coast of Peru from the 12th to the 15th century. They built the city of Chan Chan, known for its intricate adobe architecture and extensive irrigation systems.

9. The Mound Builders: 

The Mound Builders were various indigenous cultures in North America that constructed earthen mounds for ceremonial, burial, and residential purposes. They existed throughout different time periods and regions, including the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian cultures.

10. The Olmec Civilization: 

The Olmec civilization emerged in the Gulf Coast region of Mexico from around 1500 BCE to 400 BCE. They are considered one of the earliest complex civilizations in Mesoamerica and are known for their colossal stone heads and sophisticated art style.

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