Maratha King Shivaji: MCQ (100) Question And Answer

Test your knowledge on the legendary Maratha king, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, with these 100 MCQs covering his life, achievements, and legacy.
Maratha King Shivaji

Maratha King Shivaji

Here are 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers about Shivaji, the legendary Maratha warrior and founder of the Maratha Empire: Join Telegram for More PDF!

1. What is the birth name of Shivaji?

   a) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

   b) Shivaji Bhosle

   c) Shivaji Raje

   d) Shivaji Maratha

   Answer: b) Shivaji Bhosle

2. In which year was Shivaji born?

   a) 1645

   b) 1630

   c) 1674

   d) 1627

   Answer: b) 1630

3. Shivaji's father, Shahaji Bhosle, served as a high-ranking official in which dynasty's court?

   a) Mughal Dynasty

   b) Vijayanagara Empire

   c) Bahmani Sultanate

   d) Adil Shahi Dynasty

   Answer: d) Adil Shahi Dynasty

4. Shivaji was deeply inspired by which Hindu deity and considered him as his patron god?

   a) Vishnu

   b) Shiva

   c) Brahma

   d) Hanuman

   Answer: b) Shiva

5. At which fort did Shivaji capture his first stronghold, laying the foundation for his future kingdom?

   a) Raigad Fort

   b) Pratapgad Fort

   c) Rajgad Fort

   d) Torna Fort

   Answer: c) Rajgad Fort

6. What was the name of Shivaji's mother, who had a significant influence on him?

   a) Jijabai

   b) Ahilyabai

   c) Tarabai

   d) Rani Lakshmibai

   Answer: a) Jijabai

7. Shivaji's coronation took place in the year ___________.

   a) 1674

   b) 1656

   c) 1680

   d) 1637

   Answer: a) 1674

8. What was the title bestowed upon Shivaji after his coronation?

   a) Chhatrapati

   b) Maharaj

   c) Raja

   d) Samrat

   Answer: a) Chhatrapati

9. Shivaji's administration was known for its efficient and decentralized system, headed by ministers known as __________.

   a) Sardars

   b) Peshwas

   c) Diwans

   d) Mantris

   Answer: b) Peshwas

10. Who was Shivaji's principal military commander and a close confidant?

    a) Baji Rao I

    b) Tanaji Malusare

    c) Kanhoji Angre

    d) Afzal Khan

    Answer: b) Tanaji Malusare

11. Which famous battle, fought between Shivaji and Afzal Khan, established Shivaji's prominence in the region?

    a) Battle of Plassey

    b) Battle of Talikota

    c) Battle of Pratapgad

    d) Battle of Wai

    Answer: c) Battle of Pratapgad

12. Which sea fort was Shivaji's notable achievement, captured from the Siddis of Janjira?

    a) Sindhudurg Fort

    b) Murud-Janjira Fort

    c) Colaba Fort

    d) Vijaydurg Fort

    Answer: b) Murud-Janjira Fort

13. Shivaji's famous military tactic, used during the Battle of Purandar, is known as __________.

    a) Guerrilla warfare

    b) Naval blockade

    c) Pincer attack

    d) Cavalry charge

    Answer: a) Guerrilla warfare

14. Which prominent Mughal emperor clashed with Shivaji and imprisoned his son, Sambhaji?

    a) Akbar the Great

    b) Jahangir

    c) Aurangzeb

    d) Shah Jahan

    Answer: c) Aurangzeb

15. Shivaji's escapade from the Agra fort is famously known as the __________.

    a) Agra Escape

    b) Great Escape

    c) Agra Fiasco

    d) Agra Caper

    Answer: a) Agra Escape

16. The Treaty of Purandar was signed between Shivaji and which Mughal general?

    a) Mir Jumla

    b) Shaista Khan

    c) Jai Singh I

    d) Afzal Khan

    Answer: c) Jai Singh I

17. Which fort was Shivaji forced to surrender to the Mughals under the Treaty of Purandar?

    a) Raigad Fort

    b) Pratapgad Fort

    c) Sinhagad Fort

    d) Rajgad Fort

    Answer: c) Sinhagad Fort

18. Who was Shivaji's eldest son and successor to the throne?

    a) Sambhaji

    b) Rajaram

    c) Shahu

    d) Baji Rao I

    Answer: a) Sambhaji

19. Under Shivaji's rule, which significant port was developed as a major naval base?

    a) Surat

    b) Goa

    c) Mumbai

    d) Mangalore

    Answer: c) Mumbai

20. Which Maratha queen valiantly defended her kingdom against Mughal forces after Shivaji's death?

    a) Tarabai

    b) Ahilyabai Holkar

    c) Rani Padmini

    d) Chand Bibi

    Answer: a) Tarabai

21. The famous Maratha infantry, which played a crucial role in Shivaji's military, was known as __________.

    a) Sepoys

    b) Maratha Sena

    c) Rajputana Rifles

    d) Mavalas

    Answer: d) Mavalas

22. What was the name of the prominent Maratha naval commander who defended the western coast from European powers?

    a) Kanhoji Angre

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Chhatrapati Shahu

    d) Balaji Vishwanath

    Answer: a) Kanhoji Angre

23. Which treaty marked the end of the Mughal-Maratha wars and recognized Maratha sovereignty?

    a) Treaty of Bassein

    b) Treaty of Purandar

    c) Treaty of Salbai

    d) Treaty of Ahmadnagar

    Answer: c) Treaty of Salbai

24. Under the guidance of his guru, Ramdas Swami, Shivaji adopted a policy of __________.

    a) Religious intolerance

    b) Appeasement

    c) Dharma Veer

    d) Sampoorna Swarajya

    Answer: d) Sampoorna Swarajya

25. What was the name of Shivaji's queen, who played an important role in administration and diplomacy?

    a) Rani Padmavati

    b) Rani Lakshmibai

    c) Maharani Tarabai

    d) Saibai

    Answer: d) Saibai

26. Shivaji's administration was known for promoting which language as the official court language?

    a) Hindi

    b) Marathi

    c) Sanskrit

    d) Persian

    Answer: b) Marathi

27. What was the name of the hill fort that Shivaji won in an impressive display of military strategy, known as "a tiger's leap"?

    a) Sinhagad Fort

    b) Kondhana Fort

    c) Panhala Fort

    d) Tikona Fort

    Answer: b) Kondhana Fort

28. Which famous Maratha leader, known as the "Maratha Machiavelli," served as a diplomat and statesman under Shivaji?

    a) Baji Rao I

    b) Balaji Vishwanath

    c) Nana Phadnavis

    d) Raghunathrao

    Answer: c) Nana Phadnavis

29. What was the name of the hill fort that Shivaji captured by using a stealthy and daring vertical climb?

    a) Rajgad Fort

    b) Torna Fort

    c) Pratapgad Fort

    d) Raigad Fort

    Answer: b) Torna Fort

30. Which river served as a natural boundary between the Maratha and Mughal territories?

    a) Godavari

    b) Narmada

    c) Yamuna

    d) Tapti

    Answer: b) Narmada

31. Shivaji was crowned as the "Chhatrapati" on the hill fort of __________.

    a) Rajgad

    b) Sinhagad

    c) Raigad

    d) Torna

    Answer: c) Raigad

32. Which Mughal general was sent by Aurangzeb to capture Shivaji, but was defeated by the Maratha forces?

    a) Mir Jumla

    b) Jai Singh I

    c) Afzal Khan

    d) Shaista Khan

    Answer: d) Shaista Khan

33. Shivaji's forts were strategically designed with a combination of strong natural features and human-made defenses, known as __________.

    a) Jal Durga

    b) Maratha Machi

    c) Maratha Citadel

    d) Maratha Stronghold

    Answer: a) Jal Durga

34. Shivaji's administrative system included various local councils, known as __________.

    a) Sabha

    b) Samiti

    c) Panchayat

    d) Parishad

    Answer: b) Samiti

35. Shivaji was known for his religious tolerance and often donated grants to which spiritual leader?

    a) Guru Nanak

    b) Kabir

    c) Tukaram

    d) Akbar

    Answer: c) Tukaram

36. Who succeeded Shivaji as the Chhatrapati after his death?

    a) Sambhaji

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Rajaram

    d) Chhatrapati Shahu

    Answer: a) Sambhaji

37. Which Maratha leader carried forward Shivaji's legacy by expanding the Maratha Empire and defeating the Mughals?

    a) Chhatrapati Shahu

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Balaji Vishwanath

    d) Nana Phadnavis

    Answer: b) Baji Rao I

38. What was the name of the council of eight ministers who advised Shivaji on governance?

    a) Ashtapradhan Mandal

    b) Navaratna Mandal

    c) Dasharatha Mandal

    d) Peshwa Mandal

    Answer: a) Ashtapradhan Mandal

39. Shivaji was a skilled horse rider and warrior. What was the name of his famous warhorse?

    a) Chetak

    b) Badal

    c) Veer

    d) Bhavani

    Answer: d) Bhavani

40. Shivaji's military genius was acknowledged by which European power, leading to the establishment of a treaty with them?

    a) Portuguese

    b) Dutch

    c) British

    d) French

    Answer: c) British

41. Which Maratha general, known as the "Mountain Rat," played a vital role in expanding the Maratha Empire in the south?

    a) Nana Phadnavis

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Tanaji Malusare

    d) Shivaji Bhonsle

    Answer: b) Baji Rao I

42. What was the name of Shivaji's famous naval campaign against the Siddis of Janjira?

    a) Battle of Salher

    b) Battle of Pratapgad

    c) Battle of Colaba

    d) Battle of Singhudurg

    Answer: d) Battle of Singhudurg

43. Which Mughal prince allied with Shivaji against Aurangzeb during the Mughal-Maratha wars?

    a) Prince Dara Shikoh

    b) Prince Murad Baksh

    c) Prince Shah Alam

    d) Prince Akbar

    Answer: a) Prince Dara Shikoh

44. Which powerful Maratha ruler, often considered the real architect of the Maratha power, succeeded Baji Rao I?

    a) Chhatrapati Shahu

    b) Rani Tarabai

    c) Balaji Vishwanath

    d) Nana Phadnavis

    Answer: c) Balaji Vishwanath

45. Shivaji's significant achievement in military and naval architecture was the construction of which fleet of ships?

    a) Maratha Armada

    b) Maratha Navy

    c) Maratha Dhow

    d) Maratha Man-o-war

    Answer: b) Maratha Navy

46. What was the title given to the topmost minister in Shivaji's court?

    a) Peshwa

    b) Senapati

    c) Subedar

    d) Diwan

    Answer: a) Peshwa

47. Who wrote the famous Marathi biography of Shivaji titled "Raja Shivchhatrapati"?

    a) Tulsidas

    b) V.D. Savarkar

    c) Babasaheb Purandare

    d) Kusumagraj

    Answer: c) Babasaheb Purandare

48. Which fort, known for its impenetrable architecture, was the capital of Shivaji's empire?

    a) Sinhagad Fort

    b) Raigad Fort

    c) Rajgad Fort

    d) Torna Fort

    Answer: b) Raigad Fort

49. Shivaji's father Shahaji served as a noble under which ruling dynasty before becoming an independent ruler?

    a) Adil Shahi Dynasty

    b) Mughal Dynasty

    c) Nizam Shahi Dynasty

    d) Vijayanagara Empire

    Answer: c) Nizam Shahi Dynasty

50. Which mountain range, an important geographical feature in the region, provided natural protection to Shivaji's kingdom?

    a) Western Ghats

    b) Vindhya Range

    c) Aravalli Range

    d) Himalayas

    Answer: a) Western Ghats

51. Shivaji's administrative units were called __________, responsible for revenue collection and local governance.

    a) Mansabdars

    b) Chakladars

    c) Pradhans

    d) Deshmukhs

    Answer: d) Deshmukhs

52. What was the title given to the highest military commander in Shivaji's administration?

    a) Senapati

    b) Mansabdar

    c) Diwan

    d) Subedar

    Answer: a) Senapati

53. Which Mughal viceroy was sent to Deccan with the intent of crushing Shivaji's kingdom?

    a) Shaista Khan

    b) Mir Jumla

    c) Jai Singh I

    d) Aurangzeb

    Answer: a) Shaista Khan

54. The famous encounter between Shivaji and Afzal Khan took place in a village called __________.

    a) Panhala

    b) Wai

    c) Pratapgad

    d) Pune

    Answer: b) Wai

55. Shivaji's forts were strategically built at higher altitudes, providing a tactical advantage. What is this architectural feature called?

    a) Citadel

    b) Crenellation

    c) Parapet

    d) Hill Fort

    Answer: a) Citadel

56. Which Maratha ruler successfully challenged the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and expanded the Maratha Empire to its peak?

    a) Chhatrapati Shahu

    b) Chhatrapati Rajaram

    c) Chhatrapati Shivaji

    d) Chhatrapati Sambhaji

    Answer: d) Chhatrapati Sambhaji

57. Which Maratha king established the "Maratha Empire" as a formal sovereign state?

    a) Chhatrapati Sambhaji

    b) Chhatrapati Shahu

    c) Chhatrapati Shivaji

    d) Chhatrapati Rajaram

    Answer: c) Chhatrapati Shivaji

58. Who was Shivaji's trusted minister and administrator, known for his diplomacy and governance?

    a) Baji Rao I

    b) Nana Phadnavis

    c) Balaji Vishwanath

    d) Ramchandra Pant Amatya

    Answer: d) Ramchandra Pant Amatya

59. What was the name of the fort where Shivaji's mother, Jijabai, resided after his birth?

    a) Rajgad Fort

    b) Pratapgad Fort

    c) Raigad Fort

    d) Shivneri Fort

    Answer: d) Shivneri Fort

60. What was the name of the elite infantry unit formed by Shivaji that later became the backbone of the Maratha army?

    a) Chhatrapati Sena

    b) Shivaji Brigade

    c) Maratha Rangers

    d) Ashta Pradhan

    Answer: a) Chhatrapati Sena

61. Who was the famous Mughal emperor during Shivaji's reign, known for his opulent lifestyle and patronage of the arts?

    a) Akbar the Great

    b) Jahangir

    c) Aurangzeb

    d) Shah Jahan

    Answer: b) Jahangir

62. Shivaji's escape from Agra is considered one of the most daring escapes in history. Who helped him in this endeavor?

    a) Rani Tarabai

    b) Raghunathrao

    c) Baji Rao I

    d) Shiva Kashid

    Answer: d) Shiva Kashid

63. Shivaji's efforts in creating a navy and coastal defense system aimed to protect his kingdom from which naval power?

    a) British Navy

    b) Portuguese Navy

    c) Dutch Navy

    d) French Navy

    Answer: b) Portuguese Navy

64. Which Maratha queen led the resistance against the Mughals after Shivaji's death, and later became a prominent ruler?

    a) Tarabai

    b) Ahilyabai Holkar

    c) Rani Padmini

    d) Chand Bibi

    Answer: a) Tarabai

65. Shivaji's military brilliance was evident in his use of guerrilla warfare, which involved __________.

    a) Surprise attacks and ambushes

    b) Massive cavalry charges

    c) Concentrated artillery barrages

    d) Pincer movements

    Answer: a) Surprise attacks and ambushes

66. Which Mughal emperor dealt a major blow to Shivaji's empire by executing his son, Sambhaji?

    a) Aurangzeb

    b) Akbar the Great

    c) Shah Jahan

    d) Jahangir

    Answer: a) Aurangzeb

67. Shivaji established a competent intelligence network, known as __________, to gather strategic information.

    a) Maratha Spies

    b) Shiv-Kavach

    c) Ashta Pramukh

    d) Mavala

    Answer: c) Ashta Pramukh

68. In addition to his military prowess, Shivaji was also known for his patronage of __________.

    a) Literature and arts

    b) Science and technology

    c) Foreign trade

    d) Religious institutions

    Answer: a) Literature and arts

69. Which Mughal viceroy led an invasion against Shivaji's territory, leading to the Treaty of Purandar?

    a) Mir Jumla

    b) Shaista Khan

    c) Jai Singh I

    d) Afzal Khan

    Answer: b) Shaista Khan

70. Shivaji's administrative reforms included a focus on __________, ensuring fair and just rule.

    a) Revenue collection

    b) Judiciary

    c) Military recruitment

    d) Religious tolerance

    Answer: b) Judiciary

71. What was the name of the treaty signed between Shivaji and the Mughals that granted him 23 forts and a territory worth four lakh huns?

    a) Treaty of Purandar

    b) Treaty of Bassein

    c) Treaty of Ahmadnagar

    d) Treaty of Salbai

    Answer: a) Treaty of Purandar

72. Shivaji's escapade from Agra is often compared to which legendary escape in history?

    a) Houdini's Escape

    b) The Great Escape

    c) Alcatraz Escape

    d) Escape from Colditz

    Answer: b) The Great Escape

73. Who served as Shivaji's mentor and guide, inspiring him with the idea of establishing a Hindu kingdom?

    a) Ramdas Swami

    b) Guru Nanak

    c) Swami Vivekananda

    d) Tukaram

    Answer: a) Ramdas Swami

74. Which city served as Shivaji's primary naval base, from where his navy controlled the Arabian Sea?

    a) Surat

    b) Goa

    c) Mumbai

    d) Mangalore

    Answer: c) Mumbai

75. What was the name of the fort that Shivaji captured from the Mughals and declared it the "Gateway to the Deccan"?

    a) Sinhagad Fort

    b) Raigad Fort

    c) Torna Fort

    d) Pratapgad Fort

    Answer: a) Sinhagad Fort

76. Who succeeded Shivaji as the Chhatrapati after his death and ruled the Maratha Empire with the help of his mother, Jijabai?

    a) Sambhaji

    b) Rajaram

    c) Shahu

    d) Baji Rao I

    Answer: b) Rajaram

77. Shivaji was known for his policy of "Shura Pratap," which means __________.

    a) Continuous warfare

    b) Eternal peace

    c) Noble pursuits

    d) Diplomatic negotiations

    Answer: a) Continuous warfare

78. Which Mughal general succeeded in defeating Shivaji in the Battle of Pratapgad but lost his life in the process?

    a) Mir Jumla

    b) Jai Singh I

    c) Afzal Khan

    d) Shaista Khan

    Answer: c) Afzal Khan

79. What was the name of Shivaji's mother, who played a crucial role in shaping his character and values?

    a) Jijabai

    b) Ahilyabai

    c) Tarabai

    d) Rani Lakshmibai

    Answer: a) Jijabai

80. Shivaji's coronation took place on the auspicious day of __________.

    a) Vijayadashami

    b) Diwali

    c) Holi

    d) Makar Sankranti

    Answer: a) Vijayadashami

81. What was the title given to Shivaji's queen, Saibai, after his coronation?

    a) Chhatrapati

    b) Maharani

    c) Rani

    d) Samrat

    Answer: b) Maharani

82. Shivaji was inspired by the teachings of which saint-poet, who promoted devotion to Lord Vitthal (Vithoba)?

    a) Sant Tukaram

    b) Sant Namdev

    c) Sant Eknath

    d) Sant Dnyaneshwar

    Answer: a) Sant Tukaram

83. Which Mughal prince allied with Shivaji against Aurangzeb, but later had a falling out with him?

    a) Prince Dara Shikoh

    b) Prince Murad Baksh

    c) Prince Shah Alam

    d) Prince Akbar

    Answer: a) Prince Dara Shikoh

84. Which fort was strategically built on an island off the coast, and Shivaji's navy controlled the sea route to this fort?

    a) Sindhudurg Fort

    b) Murud-Janjira Fort

    c) Colaba Fort

    d) Vijaydurg Fort

    Answer: b) Murud-Janjira Fort

85. Shivaji's administrative system was known as __________, based on the concept of village-level autonomy.

    a) Swarajya

    b) Sampoorna Swadhinata

    c) Chhatrapati Shasan

    d) Hukumat-e-Mewat

    Answer: a) Swarajya

86. What was the name of Shivaji's trusted general and close friend, who fought bravely in the Battle of Pratapgad?

    a) Tanaji Malusare

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Kanhoji Angre

    d) Afzal Khan

    Answer: a) Tanaji Malusare

87. Shivaji's hill forts were often protected by multiple rings of fortifications, known as __________.

    a) Kille-Rani

    b) Killa-Peth

    c) Killa-Kada

    d) Killa-Basti

    Answer: b) Killa-Peth

88. Which Mughal general was known for his diplomatic skills and played a crucial role in the Treaty of Purandar?

    a) Mir Jumla

    b) Shaista Khan

    c) Jai Singh I

    d) Afzal Khan

    Answer: c) Jai Singh I

89. Under the Treaty of Purandar, Shivaji had to give up control of which fort to the Mughals?

    a) Raigad Fort

    b) Pratapgad Fort

    c) Sinhagad Fort

    d) Rajgad Fort

    Answer: c) Sinhagad Fort

90. Who was Shivaji's second son and successor to the throne after Sambhaji?

    a) Rajaram

    b) Shahu

    c) Baji Rao I

    d) Balaji Vishwanath

    Answer: a) Rajaram

91. Which Maratha queen defended the Maratha kingdom and fought against Mughal forces after Shivaji's death?

    a) Tarabai

    b) Ahilyabai Holkar

    c) Rani Padmini

    d) Chand Bibi

    Answer: a) Tarabai

92. The Maratha infantry, known for its fearless and courageous soldiers, was called __________.

    a) Sepoys

    b) Maratha Sena

    c) Rajputana Rifles

    d) Mavalas

    Answer: d) Mavalas

93. Which Maratha commander played a crucial role in defending the western coast from European powers like the British and the Portuguese?

    a) Kanhoji Angre

    b) Baji Rao I

    c) Chhatrapati Shahu

    d) Balaji Vishwanath

    Answer: a) Kanhoji Angre

94. Which treaty marked the end of the Mughal-Maratha wars and acknowledged Maratha sovereignty in their territories?

    a) Treaty of Bassein

    b) Treaty of Purandar

    c) Treaty of Salbai

    d) Treaty of Ahmadnagar

    Answer: c) Treaty of Salbai

95. Under the guidance of his mentor, Ramdas Swami, Shivaji sought to establish a state based on the principles of __________.

    a) Religious tolerance

    b) Appeasement

    c) Divine rule

    d) Self-governance

    Answer: d) Self-governance

96. What was the name of Shivaji's queen, who actively participated in administration and diplomacy?

    a) Rani Padmavati

    b) Rani Lakshmibai

    c) Maharani Tarabai

    d) Saibai

    Answer: d) Saibai

97. Shivaji promoted which language as the official court language during his reign?

    a) Hindi

    b) Marathi

    c) Sanskrit

    d) Persian

    Answer: b) Marathi

98. Which hill fort did Shivaji capture in a daring display of military strategy, often referred to as "a tiger's leap"?

    a) Sinhagad Fort

    b) Kondhana Fort

    c) Panhala Fort

    d) Tikona Fort

    Answer: b) Kondhana Fort

99. Which prominent Maratha leader, known as the "Maratha Machiavelli," served as a diplomat and statesman under Shivaji?

    a) Baji Rao I

    b) Balaji Vishwanath

    c) Nana Phadnavis

    d) Raghunathrao

    Answer: c) Nana Phadnavis

100. What was the name of the famous campaign launched by Shivaji against the Siddis of Janjira to secure control over the western coast?

     a) Battle of Salher

     b) Battle of Pratapgad

     c) Battle of Colaba

     d) Battle of Singhudurg

     Answer: d) Battle of Singhudurg

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যা কিছু প্রাচীন, যা কিছু অতীত তাই হল ইতিহাস৷ ইতিহাস পাঠশালা হল ইতিহাসের সংক্ষিপ্ত, উত্তরধর্মী, প্রবন্ধ মূলক পাঠ সহায়ক একটি ব্লগ৷ মূলত ইতিহাস বিষয়ক বিভিন্ন তথ্য তুলে ধরাই এই ব্লগের প্রধান লক্ষ্য৷