Kushan Empire: MCQ (50) Practice Set With Answers


Kushan Empire

Here are 50 multiple-choice questions and answers about the Kushan Empire: Use Our Translate☝️Tool for Regional Languages.

1. Which region was the main territory of the Kushan Empire?

   a) Central Asia

   b) South Asia

   c) East Asia

   d) North Africa

   Answer: a) Central Asia

2. The Kushan Empire emerged during which century?

   a) 1st century BCE

   b) 2nd century BCE

   c) 1st century CE

   d) 2nd century CE

   Answer: c) 1st century CE

3. The Kushan Empire was originally formed by which ethnic group?

   a) Greeks

   b) Persians

   c) Scythians

   d) Indians

   Answer: c) Scythians

4. Who was the founder of the Kushan Empire?

   a) Kanishka I

   b) Ashoka the Great

   c) Chandragupta Maurya

   d) Genghis Khan

   Answer: a) Kanishka I

5. Which city was the capital of the Kushan Empire?

   a) Peshawar

   b) Taxila

   c) Mathura

   d) Bagram

   Answer: a) Peshawar

6. The Kushans were known for their patronage of which religion?

   a) Hinduism

   b) Buddhism

   c) Zoroastrianism

   d) Christianity

   Answer: b) Buddhism

7. Which famous trade route passed through the territory of the Kushan Empire?

   a) Silk Road

   b) Spice Route

   c) Incense Route

   d) Amber Road

   Answer: a) Silk Road

8. Which dynasty was contemporaneous with the Kushan Empire in China?

   a) Han Dynasty

   b) Zhou Dynasty

   c) Tang Dynasty

   d) Ming Dynasty

   Answer: a) Han Dynasty

9. Kanishka I was known for his support of which Buddhist council?

   a) First Buddhist Council

   b) Second Buddhist Council

   c) Third Buddhist Council

   d) Fourth Buddhist Council

   Answer: c) Third Buddhist Council

10. Which language was used in official documents and inscriptions of the Kushan Empire?

    a) Greek

    b) Sanskrit

    c) Pali

    d) Bactrian

    Answer: d) Bactrian

11. The Kushans ruled over parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and:

    a) India

    b) Iran

    c) China

    d) Turkey

    Answer: a) India

12. Which Kushan ruler is considered the greatest of the dynasty?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Huvishka

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Huvishka

13. The Kushan Empire declined after the invasion of which Central Asian nomadic group?

    a) Huns

    b) Mongols

    c) Scythians

    d) Xiongnu

    Answer: a) Huns

14. Which Kushan ruler issued the first gold coins in India?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

15. The Kushan Empire had cultural influences from which ancient civilization?

    a) Greek

    b) Roman

    c) Egyptian

    d) Mesopotamian

    Answer: a) Greek

16. Which ancient Indian city became an important center of art and culture during the Kushan Empire?

    a) Pataliputra

    b) Ujjain

    c) Mathura

    d) Varanasi

    Answer: c) Mathura

17. The Kushans were known for their expertise in which craft?

    a) Textile weaving

    b) Pottery making

    c) Metalwork

    d) Carpentry

    Answer: c) Metalwork

18. Which Kushan ruler converted to Buddhism and established it as the state religion?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

19. The Kushans introduced which animal as a symbol on their coins?

    a) Lion

    b) Elephant

    c) Horse

    d) Bull

    Answer: c) Horse

20. The Kushan Empire reached its peak under the rule of:

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

21. Which famous Greek ambassador visited the court of Kanishka I?

    a) Alexander the Great

    b) Megasthenes

    c) Seleucus I Nicator

    d) Heliodorus

    Answer: d) Heliodorus

22. The Kushans played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism to which region?

    a) China

    b) Tibet

    c) Sri Lanka

    d) Southeast Asia

    Answer: a) China

23. Which architectural style was adopted by the Kushans for their Buddhist monuments?

    a) Greek

    b) Roman

    c) Gupta

    d) Gandhara

    Answer: d) Gandhara

24. Which Chinese pilgrim visited the Kushan Empire in the 7th century?

    a) Fa Xian

    b) Xuanzang

    c) Faxian

    d) Yijing

    Answer: b) Xuanzang

25. The Kushans promoted trade and cultural exchanges between which ancient empires?

    a) Rome and China

    b) Egypt and Persia

    c) Greece and India

    d) Mesopotamia and Egypt

    Answer: a) Rome and China

26. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the Mathura school of art?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: c) Vasudeva I

27. The Kushans introduced a new calendar system known as the:

    a) Solar calendar

    b) Lunar calendar

    c) Saka calendar

    d) Gregorian calendar

    Answer: c) Saka calendar

28. Which Kushan ruler is known for his inscription at the Allahabad Pillar?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

29. The Kushans traded extensively in which luxury item?

    a) Silk

    b) Spices

    c) Ivory

    d) Gold

    Answer: a) Silk

30. The Kushans built their empire on the remnants of which earlier empire?

    a) Mauryan Empire

    b) Gupta Empire

    c) Acha

emenid Empire

    d) Mughal Empire

    Answer: a) Mauryan Empire

31. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the construction of the famous Kanishka Stupa?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

32. The Kushans were known for their production of intricate:

    a) Pottery

    b) Textiles

    c) Jewelry

    d) Sculptures

    Answer: d) Sculptures

33. Which Kushan ruler issued the first bilingual coins with Greek and Brahmi inscriptions?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: a) Vima Kadphises

34. The Kushans played a crucial role in facilitating cultural exchanges between:

    a) East and West

    b) North and South

    c) Europe and Africa

    d) Asia and Australia

    Answer: a) East and West

35. Which Kushan ruler was known for his military campaigns against the Parthian Empire?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: a) Vima Kadphises

36. The Kushans introduced which deity from Greek mythology into their religious pantheon?

    a) Zeus

    b) Apollo

    c) Dionysus

    d) Heracles

    Answer: d) Heracles

37. The decline of the Kushan Empire was accelerated by invasions from which empire?

    a) Gupta Empire

    b) Sassanian Empire

    c) Kush Empire

    d) Roman Empire

    Answer: b) Sassanian Empire

38. The Kushans were skilled in the production of which metal?

    a) Copper

    b) Silver

    c) Gold

    d) Iron

    Answer: c) Gold

39. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the construction of the Bagram Ivories?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

40. The Kushans adopted which form of government?

    a) Monarchy

    b) Republic

    c) Oligarchy

    d) Theocracy

    Answer: a) Monarchy

41. The Kushan Empire was eventually absorbed by which empire?

    a) Gupta Empire

    b) Mauryan Empire

    c) Mughal Empire

    d) British Empire

    Answer: a) Gupta Empire

42. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the construction of the Mathura Lion Capital?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: c) Vasudeva I

43. The Kushans were skilled in the production of which type of stone carving?

    a) Marble

    b) Granite

    c) Sandstone

    d) Limestone

    Answer: c) Sandstone

44. The Kushans had diplomatic and trade relations with which Roman emperor?

    a) Augustus

    b) Nero

    c) Constantine

    d) Trajan

    Answer: d) Trajan

45. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the construction of the Mathura Herakles statue?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: b) Kanishka I

46. The Kushans adopted elements of which local culture in their artistic representations?

    a) Indian

    b) Persian

    c) Chinese

    d) Greek

    Answer: a) Indian

47. The Kushans were known for their trade of which precious gemstone?

    a) Sapphire

    b) Ruby

    c) Emerald

    d) Diamond

    Answer: d) Diamond

48. Which Kushan ruler is associated with the construction of the Rabatak Inscription?

    a) Vima Kadphises

    b) Kanishka I

    c) Vasudeva I

    d) Vasishka

    Answer: a) Vima Kadphises

49. The Kushan Empire played a significant role in the spread of which branch of Buddhism?

    a) Theravada Buddhism

    b) Mahayana Buddhism

    c) Vajrayana Buddhism

    d) Zen Buddhism

    Answer: b) Mahayana Buddhism

50. The Kushan Empire existed from approximately:

    a) 100 BCE to 100 CE

    b) 200 CE to 500 CE

    c) 300 BCE to 300 CE

    d) 100 CE to 400 CE

    Answer: c) 300 BCE to 300 CE

Please note that some of the dates and historical facts may vary based on different sources.

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