
Ancient India

Section 1 → Ice Age + Indus Valley Civilization + Vedic Period

Section 2 → Jainism + Buddhism + Vedic Period + Rise of Magadha
Jainism & Buddhism – Cause of Origin
Mahajanapadas & Rise of Magadha

Section 4 → Sangam Age + Gupta Empire + Harshavardhana + Chalukya & Pallavas
Sangam Age: 300 – 600 AD
Cheras, Cholas & Pandyas
Gupta Empire (400 – 600 AD)
Harshavardhana (606 – 647 AD)
Chalukya of Badami, Pallavas, Pandyas

Medieval Indian

▪ Delhi Sultanate: Slave Dynasty (1206 – 1290)
▪ Delhi Sultanate: Khilji Dynasty (1290 – 1320)
▪ Delhi Sultanate: Tughlaq Dynasty, Sayyids Dynasty,
  Lodi Dynasty
▪ Delhi Sultanate administration, art & Culture
▪ Sufism and Bhakti Movement
▪ Vijayanagar Empire (1336-1672)
▪ Mughal Empire
▪ Maratha
▪ Advent of the Europeans in India

Modern India

Section 1 → Warren Hastings, Cornwallis, Wellesley, William Bentinck, Dalhousie, Revolt of 1857, Lord Lytton, Lord Rippon, Lord Curzon & Partition of Bengal
▪ Battle of Plassey, Battle of Buxar, Warren Hastings, Regulating Act, Pitts Act
▪ Lord Cornwallis, Richard Colley Wellesley, Subsidiary Alliance
▪ Lord Hastings & William Bentinck
▪ Lord Dalhousie 1848-1856
▪ Revolt of 1857
▪ Government of India Act, Indian Councils Act, Lord Lytton
▪ Lord Rippon, Lord Lansdowne, Lord Curzon & Partition of Bengal

Section 2 → Indian National Movements, Moderate Nationalism, Swadeshi Movement, Extremism, Home Rule Leauge & Emergence of Gandhi
▪ Indian National Movements (1885 – 1905) & Moderate Nationalism
▪ Indian National Movements (1905 – 1916) – Swadeshi Movement, Rise of Extremism & MintoMorley Reforms
▪ Indian National Movements (1905 – 1916) – First World War, Home Rule League & MontagueChelmsford Reforms
▪ Emergence of Gandhi in Africa
▪ Emergence of Gandhi in India – Champaran, Kheda, Non Cooperation Movement

Section 3 → Swarajists, Revolutionary Terrorism, Simon Commission, Civil Disobedience Movement, & Govenment of India Act, 1935
▪ Swarajists and No Changers
▪ Revolutionary Terrorism During 1920s
▪ Anti Simon Commission Upsurge, Nehru Report & Demand for Purna Swaraj
▪ Civil Disobedience movement & Round Table Conferences
▪ Communal Award, Poona Pact & Government of India Act of 1935

Section 4 → Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, Indian National Army, Rajgopalachari Formula, Cabinet Mission, India Independence Act
▪ Second World War, August offer, Individual Satyagrahas & Cripps Mission
▪ Quit India Movement and Indian National Army
▪ Rajgopalachari Formula, Desai-Liaqat Pact & Wavell Plan
▪ Cabinet Mission, Plan Balkan, Mountbatten Plan & Indian Independence Act of 1947

India After Independence

Section 1 → Post Independence Consolidation & Restructuring of India
▪ India After Independence
▪ Integration of Princely States
▪ Tribal Integration in India
▪ Issue of Official Language of India
▪ Linguistic Reorganization of States
▪ Rise of Democracy in India

Section 2 → Economic & Diplomatic Development of India
▪ Economic Development of India
▪ Emergence of Planning System
▪ Green Revolution in India
▪ Operation Flood and Cooperatives
▪ India’s Bilateral Relations
▪ India’s Nuclear Policy
▪ Contemporary Political Developments

Section 3 → Emergency, Riots & Movements Post Independence
▪ Emergency of 1975
▪ Communal Riots India
▪ Regionalism Issues in India
▪ Regionalism Issues – North East
▪ Popular Movements Post Independence

** More Notes come very soon.